Founded in 1940 and chartered by the 84th Congress in 1956, the National Music Council represents the United States to the International Music Council/UNESCO. The Council acts as a clearing house for the joint opinion and decision of its members and is dedicated to strengthening the importance of music in our life and culture.
Our Mission:
Through the cooperative work of its member organizations, the National Music Council promotes and supports music and music education as an integral part of the curricula in the schools of our nation, and in the lives of its citizens.
The Council provides for the exchange of information and coordination of efforts between its member organizations and speaks with one voice for the music community whenever an authoritative expression of opinion is desirable.
The Council:
* provides our member organizations with a forum for the free discussion of problems affecting national musical life in this country;
* speaks with one voice for music whenever an authoritative expression of opinion is desirable;
* provides for the interchange of information between the various member organizations;
* encourages the coordination of efforts of the member organizations, thereby avoiding duplication or conflict;
* promotes and supports music education as an integral part of the curricula in the schools of our nation, and in the lives of its citizens;
* encourages the development and appreciation of the art of music and to foster the highest ethical standards in the musical professions and industries.
* organizes exploratory surveys or fact-finding commissions whenever the Council shall deem them necessary for the solution of important problems;
If your organization has an interest in any of these issues, we urge you to contact us for a membership kit.
Music Education Advocacy:
Every student in the nation should have an education in the arts, including comprehensive, balanced, sequential, in-school music instruction taught by qualified music teachers, that meets national, state, and local standards.
The support and advocacy of those who are already working in the field of music can be extremely important. Not only can it help preserve and build school music programs, but it can create future audiences for your music.
It's easy to show your support for public school music education.
Here are some things you can do (.pdf file)