National Music Council presents: Songwriters Fair Trade Panel at Summer NAMM in Nashville
National Music Council presents: Songwriters Fair Trade Panel
2015 Summer NAMM
Saturday, July 11, 2015
9:00-10:00 am
Nashville Music City Center, Room 205
The concept that industries around the world can be financially strengthened by voluntarily joining in support of “Fair Trade” agreements is a trend that has taken hold in the 21st century. The Fair Trade Coffee movement is just one example among many of how the public’s support for ensuring fair treatment to everyone in an industry’s value chain can both build more financially robust businesses and protect the rights and livelihoods of individuals. Establishment of the Fair Trade Music movement is well underway, and under the guidance of the leaders of the North American songwriter and recording artist communities, making huge strides toward ensuring the future economic health of music creators through fair royalty payments and respect for intellectual property rights. Join us, and songwriter panelists Rick Carnes, Eddie Schwartz and others, to discuss these exciting new developments.
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